Sunday, October 11, 2009

Total Takeover for the 9th Time

Wow its really been a while. I'll try to have updates regularly but, college is kind of preventing that. But anyway the following is more for my people in the world of Steel Pan.

PAN SONATAS WIN!!! Oh my god! There are still days I feel like that was just a super poppin dream and that didn't even happen. But it really did. We really fuckin won panorama! So many people tried to get our heads out of the game. We had our ups, we had our downs. In the end, we did what we been saying all summer "We came to take the [fuckin] 'rama!" I'm not gonna use this opportunity to trash any other band but damn we really did work hard.

Nine time champions. Woooo! That is crazy. "How we won?" Some ask. Its because come gametime Sonatas ALWAYS delivers. We transform from pan players into 100 savage gladiators hungry for another glorious victory. Its our instinct, we know we are performers and we exploit it. No questions asked. We perform, and perform, and give 800% of our energy into that 10 minutes we have on stage. Don't get me wrong, ADLIB definitely gave us a run for our money. Without a shadow of a doubt, ADLIB definitely gave it their all to defend that title. But I guess we just showed the judges we wanted it more.

In 2010 fellow Bandoleros, we need to show these civilian spectators that this is the start of yet another takeover in pan, the upcoming decade needs to be painted black and gold because if they thought that this was the end of the Sonatas victories, they're dead wrong. DEAD WRONG. In fact we may even see an era of greatness in the hands of Sonatas. The next decade will be the decade of Sonatas, and you can willingly accept it, or go down in a blaze of glory. Remember ladies and gents, "This is the band that [ALWAYS WILL] take the rama!!!"

So no matter what happens my fellow Sonatas players, can always say I won a panorama.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


There are people in this world that leave lasting impressions on others. Some, because of their wealth. Others look up to certain people because of their power. But I'm here to tell you I look up to some people because of their character. The way they carry themselves I guess. Some aspect of their daily lives I've grown to admire, even respect. I'm here, not to exploit perfection in anyway (we're all human), but to tell these people thank you.

The first person, actually taught me how to play steel pan...well strengthened my skills at the very early stages anyway. And if you know me, pan takes up a chunk of my life right now. But that's not the impact I really admire. His impact on me is the way he thinks. He's been playing pan before I even knew what a pan was. Is he arrogant? No. Does he have a fuck the world, I'm the greatest alive attitude because of it? Nope. He reasons out a situation until it can't be reasoned out anymore. Even thought he always tries to get at me for "stealing his name." He's an assertive person by nature and everyone I know comes to him like a big brother. His wisdom is what I look up to and for that, I thank him.

This next person, is not only an inspiration to myself but also leaves a lasting impact on an entire band. For the brief time I've known her, she's treated me with the utmost respect and I respect her for that. But what impact she left with me is her conversational skills. Had you have known me a few years ago, you would know either I always ended a conversation passively giving up, or that I always end aggressively. But just hanging out with her has made me understand how to talk to people especially when they don't see eye-to-eye with me. Rather than just saying "Yo fuck everything you stand for" I can reason my way out of conflicts. She makes attempts to make sure that everyone she cares about has at least one smile on their face for the day. Its her interaction with others that leaves an impact on me and for that I thank her.

The third person is just an all around nice person. He's another person who could be one arrogant motherfucker due to the fact that several girls like him, but instead he's just very chill. Sure he's a clown at times but his overall swagger is just fucking awesome. I guess what I'm trying to say is that he could be the common stereotypical Brooklynite and be a conceited SOB but instead he's just...him. I also consider him a big brother only because he always manages to just live life ho he sees fit regardless of the drama surrounding him. If anything his impact on me would have to be his maturity.

Fourth, this person.....actually at a spectator's glance one would wonder why in blue hell this person is on the list. But honestly, he's helped me grow. If you see a dude that's just loud as hell at times, immature, and sometimes a bit too hyper, you'd wonder WTF? I don't. Its just the fact that he could careless about the griefs around him (well most of the time) is enough to be admired. His impact on me will forever be the fact that if I have a problem I can easily come to him and he'll still try to cheer me up regardless of the situation and most of the time it actually works. I in turn make sure that he's ok whenever I just feel a bad vibe. Ok yes, he's like a brother to me too (I know I have more brothers than a damn fraternity). You can look for the weirdest ways to find an inspiration.

So with so many impacts these people left on me I'm surprised I didn't thank them earlier. I actually really meant to do this way earlier but better now than never. So I thank you Big Marc, I thank you Kiera, I thank you Ryan, and I thank you James. You've helped me transformed myself into a better person...well in the process of it anyway. =p

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


You're cheery in my face
Giddy when you get your way
Your innocence makes people desire to inquire more
The way you giggle at everything makes everyone think
You're just a safe face, no issues
But then you start shifting
The animosity, not directed towards others
But directed towards me
Others' reasons have underlying good
Your reason...underlying selfishness
Your selfishness will be your tragic downfall
Like that of the mighty Oedipus Rex
And instead of standing ground by yourself
The honorable thing to do
You decide to drag others into your web of mayhem and panic
Your selfish nature is nothing to admire
And pretty soon it will no longer underly, it will be revealed
Believe me when I say
I've lost almost, if not, all respect I had for you
I really should've took notice the first time
You never had real respect for me
I just made your life easier
You used want to continue using me
That's the reason isn't it
Yeah thought so
Sure your mouth'll say no
But your soul can't lie
So now you've turned into the same that we used to comment on
Only, it suits you better
No respect for me = no respect for you

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Last Legend

Michael Jackson. That's all that needs to be said. R.I.P. to the great one.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

As We Go On......

High School for Law and Public Service Class of '09 we did it man. Four years went by already like that. The last day didn't feel like a last day at all. But the time has passed, we are no longer Trojans, no longer Student Government, no longer the students that go to G-Dubz.

As we go to our respective roles in the future I just want to tell each and every one of you, good luck, God Bless you, I'll miss you and we've been through too much to stop carin now. Now we're in the real world. Now's the moment where all our teachers we're lecturing us about. The training wheels are off. We are all into the real world.

I shared laughs with you all. I shared tears with some of you. Man, we were on our grind. People who no one actually believed would be in a cap and gown on this day, were strollin right across that stage proud and accomplished.

We shared hard times, we shared fun times. To the people who were with me since day one: Angelina, Abuathar, Yahaira, Johnny, Rosemary, Jaravis, Jeanette, Joshua, and others as well as the people I met down the line of our days: Steven Disla, Steven Diaz, Flava, Yoceloff, Rossyovi, Carlisa, Willington and many others...Congratulations!!! We fuckin did it!!! We are HSLPS Graduates, free of everything we dreaded these past four years but free of the wonderful times of the hallways. I'll miss you guys from the bottom of my heart.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Warning to the Incoming Class of HS Seniors

I know, it sounds like I'm warning you of some World War that's about to pop off. But no, it's not that serious...well externally anyway. I'll delve more into that later. I'm warning the incoming class about their senior year.

I dunno who the hell started the mindset of senior year will be a breeze. Whoever did, needs to be shot in their motherfuckin face. Senior year isn't a cup of tea, and with the mindset that most juniors (I'd say 97% unofficially) have coming into senior year, they end up making their last year harder than it has to be.

Don't be me. Don't be the dumbass that think shit'll just come easy and then you'll graduate straight after. There is a busload of crap you need to do in order to get into the college of your desire.

Now remember the thing I said I'll get back to in the intro of this post, well here it is. My AP English teacher, Ms. Serelis, couldnt've put had it any more precise when she told our class, "During your senior year, I dunno what happens but the gods just rain down on you with a mountainload of shit." However I understand that if I hear it from someone other than an adult that you you would say "...yeah yeah, whatever...this dude don't know probably only talkin' bout himself." Trust me, I did the same shit you're probably doing now but what I'm saying is as close to the future as you'll ever experience.

The ideal would-be senior wants to do the to make their workload look like a blessing in the eyes of the college admissions office:
1) Have some AP classes.
2) Be in some afterschool activities like yearbook committee or student government
3) Get it some last minute public service hours
4) Join a sports team
5) Get a job if not already employed

Truth is, this is the year that your life outside of school matters, not time for you to pull off a last minute miracle. And this is why people try to do the five things I mentioned earlier. But the problem is that they try to do ALL the damn things I mentioned. For real now, lets be serious. Your asking to commit by overloading your damn schedule like that. DON'T FUCKING DO IT.

Not trying to scare you, but there's one last thing. YES, THERE WILL BE STRESS!!! I can't deny it. I'm the most --ok well not that much-- cheerful or at least happy person you ever met. But even I can't escape the wrath of stress. I can't really help you with that one, to be honest. Just find your own personal way to deal with it. Don't feel like your the only one feeling the stress, we've all been there. I don't care if *God forbid* someone close to you dies, or you have three papers due in two hours (which if you are then DO YOUR MOTHERFUCKING WORK) and the pressure is getting to you. There is nothing even remotely close to Senior stress. NOTHING. I mean if you cou...NAH ABSOLUTELY NOTHING AT ALL! So you can't possibly have an idea to handle senior stress than to hear the experiences of those before you. I can honestly say I've never had thoughts of suicide until January of my senior year (2009). Not to scare you or anything, just keepin it real.

I'll put it like this. Like I kinda mentioned earlier, your senior year will be as hard as you make it. Just do your shit...point blank. Don't wait till last minute for anything; and I mean ANYTHING DAMMIT! Only take the AP classes or extracuricculars that'll be interesting for you and, finally even though there's mad crazy hectic deadlines to meet, forget everything sometimes and try to enjoy being the oldest students in the school because in a way, you do hold weight. Any graduates or college level or higher individuals, if I forgot something, please don't hesitate... Seniors, I warned you.

My Shadow Has Taken a 3D Shape

Don't you hate it when someone is on you 24/7 and doesn't even allow you the chance to breathe? They try to subtly include themselves into the picture but it's so blatant that its annoying. Chances are I've just awakened the minds of about a quarter of my readers. Yup this is a short but to the point addition to my No One's Safe category.

Now I have a shadow, for lack of a better term. My shadow probably doesn't even realize he's being my fucking shadow. And its highly annoying at some points. Literally attempts to do everything I do. At points I can't even visit my own godbrother, because he alays finds a way to have to tag along.

I mean don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that he's a bad friend or don't think I'm fucked up for this. All I'm saying is that if you call me more times in one day than my girlfriend there's a serious issue at hand. I can honestly say this dude deadass ran up all 600 of my minutes at one point. What's fucked up is that the boy is a magnet for drama in any circumstances. Now my mindset is avoid any drama whatsoever. I can't do that with this kid because he attracts drama like a dog to a fucking tree. Like seriously I can't win.

Honestly I just need a breath of fresh air.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

It's Real Lonely at the Top

No one likes the "king". The king is already hated on as is. Don't make matters worse by giving people a reason to attack you.

I have an example of a typical king of the mountain. For "secrecy purposes" let's call her Alpha. If you know me, then it shouldn't be too hard to take a stab at who this mysterious "Alpha" is. Now all this time, I've been letting Alpha slide by but, I'm tired of thinking about the well-being of others...This is Alpha's story.
For starters, Alpha's been on a self-induced power trip for too long now. Alpha is a member of my school's National Junior Honor Society, member of the Yearbook commitee, member of the Prom Commitee, and most importantly Class President of 2009. Notice how of each of those titles except the last one I say member and that's exactly what I mean. Alpha's only a member of all these commitees and yet she must be, well, an Alpha. I find it amusing how, when she was only a candidate of the Honor society, she thought she had more power than the damn president...really, now??

Simply a member of the Yearbook Committee, she ends up controlling that too. I mean its one thing to say let me take an initiave because that's just my nature, however, Alpha decides to bust out a fucking hostile takeover of every team or group she enters. Rumors even spread that the yearbook is filled with pictures of her and her friends or clique even. I dunno, I guess we'll see when the year book comes out. I wouldn't be surprised though. After all, she was the one taking pictures for the yearbook, when she wasn't in them herself that is. I'm just relaying facts not embellishing them.

The prom committee is another of her unfortunate takeovers. This is more of my element as I am school treasurer. But as usual, loudmouth takes over everything. Now the prom has a specific budget we need to abide by. Now she implements the majority rules voting system. The majority rules voting system quickly turns into if Alpha doesn't get her way, then it's not a good idea ...period. My ideas may sound a little goofy or funny, like for example, a pair of bobbleheads with pictures of your face on prom night on them. Who wouldn't want a bobblehead of themselves, cool isn't it. But no, we instantly change to Alpha's decision of a fuckin little lameass keychain that no boy would keep on their keys for at least a year. And the budget? Forget about it. With all her wants and her decision to buy everything from the same company only in the interest of not paying shipping, we went overboard about $200. But no one wants to upset Alpha, she's school president. Sounds like a real bitch now doesn't she?

Speaking of which, no one really knows how Alpha became president. She says it wasn't a popularity contest but that's complete bullshit. Only two specific groups in our school could've possibly voted for her, the main clique in school, and the
ESL kids. Everyone else voted for the five other candidates. And the main people that voted for her and helped her campaign, she goes ahead and turns on them, almost shunning them out entirely. So how does she resolve conflicts? By making more enemies, geeeeenius. Then in her tyrranic reign she has some fuckin nerve to go ahead and blame the fuckin Student Government--excluding herself of course--for everything that goes wrong with the senior class making us look like imbessiles. Saying we don't do shit and blah blah blah. Mind you these are her fucking ideas that she carries out, ugh. Truth be told the vice president "Abu" should be the real president, but I guess that's what popularity gets you.

So is there a moral to this tale? Yes actually. The moral being, don't be a leader in everything, and don't step on everyone to get to power, because truth be told, it gets real lonely at the top. And there's no one to protect you when someone goes for your crown.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

No...Really...We're Laughing At You Not With You

So I was reading a blog of an old friend of mine. It started off with..."As the famous saying goes, "Payback is a Bitch!" But have you ever stopped to think before you 'key his car' or 'have sex with her cousin', what this will really help you accomplish?"

She brings up a valid point...DO you actually stop to question what does this really accomplish?...I would guess not.

It's real simple, retaliation hurts no one except the retaliator themselves. The fact that you have so much free time on your hands to actually do something like key up the car or cheat back or blah blah blah shows that you may still care too much, or even that you may still have feeliongs for them.

Society doesn't see it that way however, they only see you as a damn psycho. Honestly when you see a chick burnin shit that's screamin off the top of her lungs and wylin the fuck out what would you really think? Psy-cho-path. Plain and simple. Either that or your just fuckin hilarious. But don't get it twisted. We're not relishing in your temporary one-uppance, we're laughing at how much of an ass you look like at the moment. Strictly entertainment. Tsk tsk.

So if he/she (I've seen guys do this too, ladies don't front) has "did you wrong" here's what you do. Ready? ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY NOTHING. Simple right? Told you.

Think, what would stick it to them more than the fact that you've moved on and refrain from acting childish and immature to their benefit. Seriously. Move on with life, if they've cheated that obviously means that they're trying to move on or they've already done so. Now you do the same. I never said I was fair I just bring a dose of reality.

For the inspiration to this, head over to

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Blame This on the A-A-A-A-A-Alcohol

Jamie Foxx (sigh, smh)......why man? Why???

For those that aren't up to speed, Jamie Foxx was recently caught stating the following comments about Miley Cyrus on his satellite radio show the Foxxhole:

He referred to Ms. Cyrus as a "little white bitch"

"Who is Miley Cyrus?" Foxx began, "The one with all the gums? She gotta get a gum transplant...Shit."

"She's gonna ruin Radiohead's career? The same Radiohead that gets paid a million dollars just to sample their songs?"

"Make a sex tape and grow up," he continued. "Get like Britney Spears and do some heroin. Do like Lindsay Lohan and start seeing a lesbian and get some crack in your pipe. Catch chlamydia on a bicycle seat."

Now unless Jamie suffers from a sudden outbreak of Tourettes, there can be no justification for this at all. Foxx, come on now. Cyrus isn't even 18 and Jamie's slamming her like she's a fucking street whore. Sure its funny in its twisted way (I bet a lot of you are currently either saying OH SHIT or HELL NO) but this is unnecessary.

If you're like me, you admire Jamie Foxx either for his old show, or for his song "Blame It". I'm not even gonna lie, Blame It is actually my current ringtone. But does Jamie really need to stick his nose in Cyrus' beef by saying shit 12x worse than she could have even thought up of.

And what was even more stupid of Foxx to do was the fact that his movie comes out in 10 days: "The Soloist". Miley's movie was already released and hit #1 on the box office. Gee, I wonder who's going to actually make a better profit. This does nothing but destroy his image while "Hannah Montana" continues to make millions off of her latest movie.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Black Man's Destruction

The black man's destruction is real simple. When we say "oh it's cause I'm black", it's getting real tired. We never take blame on ourselves and its sad. Put it in short, the black man's destruction is the black man himself.

Last time I checked...WE IN A RECESSION. And as victims of a recession what do we do? We get any and everythng we can get our damn hands on. It's a travesty.

Kanye West said it perfectly in Diamonds: "It's in a black person's soul to rock that gold." We as blacks have been oppressed for so long so I can understand why we want the high-class fashion. But lets face it, I'm giving people too much depth to be realistic. When you buy a new pair of Jordans, or a new chain, do you think:

A) I've been oppressed for so long that it's time I start treating myself right.

You spend $200 to $300 for one pair of Jordans that'll stay in style about 6 months give or take. Did you ever think how ELSE you could've spent that money? Think LOOOONG AND HARRRRRRD

Here's a thought, OPEN UP A FUCKIN COLLEGE FUND!!! Assuming that you wish to further your education, it would make perfect sense to not only save up for college but to spend money on something worthwhile. Instead of investing in Michael Jordan and his continuing business, how about you invest in your own damn future.

I'm saying this because its common sense dammit. Another thing that's common sense is if you'd reather spend money on Jordans than on bills then something is seriously wrong with you. Come on now, be serious. But then again the black man's destruction is the black man himself.

...And with that, your life just got that much more Rated-R...

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Memories Last A Lifetime

The saying "Live everyday like it's your last." is DEFINITELY a statement that is true. It is crucial to live every single day like its your last.

If you want to do something ---sensible that is---think about it and do it. Regrets are nothing more than fate's way of saying I told you so. So unless you want to feel like Fate's dumbass all the rest of your life, then I suggest you stop worrying and have fun. No one knows what's going to happen tomorrow, or the day after (though people act as if they do), so by regretting we only make matters worse.

All the planning in the world can't stop daily inevitable occurances. Take the latest episode of "The Real World: Brooklyn" for example. No one expected Ryan to get that call to go back to Iraq and his whole future flipped a 180. So his castmates decided to treat him to a trip to Atlantic City. Something he, (God forbid) may never get another chance to experience.

We can't live forever...that's a given. Why should we wait for forever to do something we always wanted to do? Some people may say that my method of living is reckless and will eventually destroy the Earth. Let me put it this way, the planet will be around a WHOLE lot longer than we will so why not enjoy our time here? Its not like I'm promoting blowing up a country or anything, all I'm saying is that if you want to have fun, then have fun.

Katt Williams, my favorite comedian, once said all you need is to get "that 'Fuck It' in your system and everything will be cool." Think about it. It makes perfect sense. Sometimes all you need to say in certain dilemmas is...fuck it. Just do you, live for your benefit because no one else will do it for you.

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Umbrella Must Be Broken

Now Chris Brown aint my favorite R&B singer. Quite frankly, I think he sucks ass and I thought so ever since like 2006. But if I ever have to side with anyone in this whole Chris Brown v. Rihanna ordeal I would have to go with Brown.

Rihanna isn't my cup of tea either but that's not why I don't side with her. She was in fact my favorite female singer especially being from the Caribbean like I am also. But when she decided to "GO BAD" (insert sarcastic scary face here) and unleash the wrath of Umbrella on the world, I gave up. Wasn't a Resident Evil movie made in an Umbrella factory? That should say something

But I'm shifting off topic... So anyway, Rihanna. As most people probably know, she got her ASS BEAT.....BAAAAD!!! Chris put a whole new meaning to the phrase Whoop that Trick. But the real reason I don't side with Rihanna is because she GOES BACK to him. Now I don't care what the fuck is the reason. Either she been hangin out with too much goody too shoes American folk, or she in a constant high. This child obviously aint see Waiting to Exhale because Lord knows he would've gotten his ass beat to high heavens if she did. And she Caribbean too?? Aww hell to the nah.

Either Brown need a ass whoopin or Rihanna need to get beat with a Umbrella by her father. Smh... oh well, lets see what happens next.

...and your life just got that much more Rated-R.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Guy in the Glass

This poem has changed my life to the better, I swear. I'll let you interpret it to your heart's desire

When you get what you want in your struggle for [wealth],
And the world makes you king for a day,
Then go to a mirror and look at yourself,
And see what that guy has to say.

For it isnt your father, or mother, or wiife,
Who's judgement upon you must pass.
The feller whose verdict counts most in your life,
Is the guy staring back from the glass.

He's the feller to please, never mind all the rest;
For he's clear with you up to the end.
And you've passed your most dangerous difficult test,
If the guy in the glass is your friend.

You may be like Jack Horner and chisel a plum
And think you're a wonderful guy.
But the guy in the glass says you're only a bum,
If you can't look him straight in the eye.

You can fool the whole world down the pathway of years,
And get pats on the back as you pass.
But your final reward will be heartaches and tears
If you've cheated the guy in the glass.

-The Guy in the Glass by Dale Wimbrow

Friday, March 6, 2009

College Applications

This is the first installment in this blog and as you may have guessed through the title...I'm in high school. And I as well as my friends are suffering through the backlash of college applications.


Take my buddy A. for example, A. applied to Columbia U. and he finished like near December. He got a reply now stating that they're missing like Teacher's Recommendations n what not and they need this by Monday


And the whole process is nothing but stress ugh, but whatever,...

Up to now I'm having the same damn problems, I've decided to stay in NYC and apply to only CUNY schools. This damn website gonna tell me I'm missing the application fee. Like I know I didn't pay $65 to say that y'all lost it. I aint on no Donald Trump status, I can't throw away $65 like its tissue paper.

I guess since all this crap is over for me, I should help those who have to unfortunately suffer this next year. My best advice is to get through all of this shit ASAP. When they start pulling the "I'm missing this" shit, have that already prepared. So you won't have to freak out about it I guess.

Do colleges really just want to stress us out, or is there a method to their madness?

...This is Uncensored Reality making your life just that much Rated-R

This Aint the Run of the Mill Blog

This is nothing more than an introduction to kick off my madness I guess.

Who am I?
I'm just like you only more like me. I figure if everyone can write about their life, why can't I?

I'm a New Yorker, Brooklynite to be more exact, and this is my life. I call it Rated-R because I wont hold back, if youre a fucking asshole piece of shit ass munching conkbag then thats exactly what I'm going to call you. Censorship is the only thing censored on this blog

I wont tell you who I am I'll let you figure that out for yourself thru these writings.

So without further adu..., go ahead step into my reality