Thursday, June 25, 2009

Warning to the Incoming Class of HS Seniors

I know, it sounds like I'm warning you of some World War that's about to pop off. But no, it's not that serious...well externally anyway. I'll delve more into that later. I'm warning the incoming class about their senior year.

I dunno who the hell started the mindset of senior year will be a breeze. Whoever did, needs to be shot in their motherfuckin face. Senior year isn't a cup of tea, and with the mindset that most juniors (I'd say 97% unofficially) have coming into senior year, they end up making their last year harder than it has to be.

Don't be me. Don't be the dumbass that think shit'll just come easy and then you'll graduate straight after. There is a busload of crap you need to do in order to get into the college of your desire.

Now remember the thing I said I'll get back to in the intro of this post, well here it is. My AP English teacher, Ms. Serelis, couldnt've put had it any more precise when she told our class, "During your senior year, I dunno what happens but the gods just rain down on you with a mountainload of shit." However I understand that if I hear it from someone other than an adult that you you would say "...yeah yeah, whatever...this dude don't know probably only talkin' bout himself." Trust me, I did the same shit you're probably doing now but what I'm saying is as close to the future as you'll ever experience.

The ideal would-be senior wants to do the to make their workload look like a blessing in the eyes of the college admissions office:
1) Have some AP classes.
2) Be in some afterschool activities like yearbook committee or student government
3) Get it some last minute public service hours
4) Join a sports team
5) Get a job if not already employed

Truth is, this is the year that your life outside of school matters, not time for you to pull off a last minute miracle. And this is why people try to do the five things I mentioned earlier. But the problem is that they try to do ALL the damn things I mentioned. For real now, lets be serious. Your asking to commit by overloading your damn schedule like that. DON'T FUCKING DO IT.

Not trying to scare you, but there's one last thing. YES, THERE WILL BE STRESS!!! I can't deny it. I'm the most --ok well not that much-- cheerful or at least happy person you ever met. But even I can't escape the wrath of stress. I can't really help you with that one, to be honest. Just find your own personal way to deal with it. Don't feel like your the only one feeling the stress, we've all been there. I don't care if *God forbid* someone close to you dies, or you have three papers due in two hours (which if you are then DO YOUR MOTHERFUCKING WORK) and the pressure is getting to you. There is nothing even remotely close to Senior stress. NOTHING. I mean if you cou...NAH ABSOLUTELY NOTHING AT ALL! So you can't possibly have an idea to handle senior stress than to hear the experiences of those before you. I can honestly say I've never had thoughts of suicide until January of my senior year (2009). Not to scare you or anything, just keepin it real.

I'll put it like this. Like I kinda mentioned earlier, your senior year will be as hard as you make it. Just do your shit...point blank. Don't wait till last minute for anything; and I mean ANYTHING DAMMIT! Only take the AP classes or extracuricculars that'll be interesting for you and, finally even though there's mad crazy hectic deadlines to meet, forget everything sometimes and try to enjoy being the oldest students in the school because in a way, you do hold weight. Any graduates or college level or higher individuals, if I forgot something, please don't hesitate... Seniors, I warned you.

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