Thursday, June 25, 2009

My Shadow Has Taken a 3D Shape

Don't you hate it when someone is on you 24/7 and doesn't even allow you the chance to breathe? They try to subtly include themselves into the picture but it's so blatant that its annoying. Chances are I've just awakened the minds of about a quarter of my readers. Yup this is a short but to the point addition to my No One's Safe category.

Now I have a shadow, for lack of a better term. My shadow probably doesn't even realize he's being my fucking shadow. And its highly annoying at some points. Literally attempts to do everything I do. At points I can't even visit my own godbrother, because he alays finds a way to have to tag along.

I mean don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that he's a bad friend or don't think I'm fucked up for this. All I'm saying is that if you call me more times in one day than my girlfriend there's a serious issue at hand. I can honestly say this dude deadass ran up all 600 of my minutes at one point. What's fucked up is that the boy is a magnet for drama in any circumstances. Now my mindset is avoid any drama whatsoever. I can't do that with this kid because he attracts drama like a dog to a fucking tree. Like seriously I can't win.

Honestly I just need a breath of fresh air.

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