Tuesday, May 26, 2009

It's Real Lonely at the Top

No one likes the "king". The king is already hated on as is. Don't make matters worse by giving people a reason to attack you.

I have an example of a typical king of the mountain. For "secrecy purposes" let's call her Alpha. If you know me, then it shouldn't be too hard to take a stab at who this mysterious "Alpha" is. Now all this time, I've been letting Alpha slide by but, I'm tired of thinking about the well-being of others...This is Alpha's story.
For starters, Alpha's been on a self-induced power trip for too long now. Alpha is a member of my school's National Junior Honor Society, member of the Yearbook commitee, member of the Prom Commitee, and most importantly Class President of 2009. Notice how of each of those titles except the last one I say member and that's exactly what I mean. Alpha's only a member of all these commitees and yet she must be, well, an Alpha. I find it amusing how, when she was only a candidate of the Honor society, she thought she had more power than the damn president...really, now??

Simply a member of the Yearbook Committee, she ends up controlling that too. I mean its one thing to say let me take an initiave because that's just my nature, however, Alpha decides to bust out a fucking hostile takeover of every team or group she enters. Rumors even spread that the yearbook is filled with pictures of her and her friends or clique even. I dunno, I guess we'll see when the year book comes out. I wouldn't be surprised though. After all, she was the one taking pictures for the yearbook, when she wasn't in them herself that is. I'm just relaying facts not embellishing them.

The prom committee is another of her unfortunate takeovers. This is more of my element as I am school treasurer. But as usual, loudmouth takes over everything. Now the prom has a specific budget we need to abide by. Now she implements the majority rules voting system. The majority rules voting system quickly turns into if Alpha doesn't get her way, then it's not a good idea ...period. My ideas may sound a little goofy or funny, like for example, a pair of bobbleheads with pictures of your face on prom night on them. Who wouldn't want a bobblehead of themselves, cool isn't it. But no, we instantly change to Alpha's decision of a fuckin little lameass keychain that no boy would keep on their keys for at least a year. And the budget? Forget about it. With all her wants and her decision to buy everything from the same company only in the interest of not paying shipping, we went overboard about $200. But no one wants to upset Alpha, she's school president. Sounds like a real bitch now doesn't she?

Speaking of which, no one really knows how Alpha became president. She says it wasn't a popularity contest but that's complete bullshit. Only two specific groups in our school could've possibly voted for her, the main clique in school, and the
ESL kids. Everyone else voted for the five other candidates. And the main people that voted for her and helped her campaign, she goes ahead and turns on them, almost shunning them out entirely. So how does she resolve conflicts? By making more enemies, geeeeenius. Then in her tyrranic reign she has some fuckin nerve to go ahead and blame the fuckin Student Government--excluding herself of course--for everything that goes wrong with the senior class making us look like imbessiles. Saying we don't do shit and blah blah blah. Mind you these are her fucking ideas that she carries out, ugh. Truth be told the vice president "Abu" should be the real president, but I guess that's what popularity gets you.

So is there a moral to this tale? Yes actually. The moral being, don't be a leader in everything, and don't step on everyone to get to power, because truth be told, it gets real lonely at the top. And there's no one to protect you when someone goes for your crown.

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