Wednesday, May 20, 2009

No...Really...We're Laughing At You Not With You

So I was reading a blog of an old friend of mine. It started off with..."As the famous saying goes, "Payback is a Bitch!" But have you ever stopped to think before you 'key his car' or 'have sex with her cousin', what this will really help you accomplish?"

She brings up a valid point...DO you actually stop to question what does this really accomplish?...I would guess not.

It's real simple, retaliation hurts no one except the retaliator themselves. The fact that you have so much free time on your hands to actually do something like key up the car or cheat back or blah blah blah shows that you may still care too much, or even that you may still have feeliongs for them.

Society doesn't see it that way however, they only see you as a damn psycho. Honestly when you see a chick burnin shit that's screamin off the top of her lungs and wylin the fuck out what would you really think? Psy-cho-path. Plain and simple. Either that or your just fuckin hilarious. But don't get it twisted. We're not relishing in your temporary one-uppance, we're laughing at how much of an ass you look like at the moment. Strictly entertainment. Tsk tsk.

So if he/she (I've seen guys do this too, ladies don't front) has "did you wrong" here's what you do. Ready? ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY NOTHING. Simple right? Told you.

Think, what would stick it to them more than the fact that you've moved on and refrain from acting childish and immature to their benefit. Seriously. Move on with life, if they've cheated that obviously means that they're trying to move on or they've already done so. Now you do the same. I never said I was fair I just bring a dose of reality.

For the inspiration to this, head over to

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