Tuesday, June 1, 2010

My Religion

You may not agree with my beliefs. You may differ in religion. Matter of fact if you have a religion we differ in religion. Not to say I'm atheist. That's something comepletely different. I just do not believe in any organzed religion. I think it's called being a theist. Yes there is a difference no just because i put a space between the "a" and the "t". But enough on the specifics I'll just tell you why.

For you see, most of my life I was told what to believe in because I was forced to attend mass with my mother. I know some of you were like me, going to church and not understanding why. Being in Sunday school asking yourself "why in blue hell am I here?" Honestly human beings have spent plenty of years battling over the better religion. Whether it be The Crusades, Muslims against the Jewish, or even Christians against themselves. In actuality, most, if not all, religions believe in a higher power being the highest of them all. Whether it be God or Allah or whomever, it is someone they use as a guideline to their life. But can't we also use morals and common sense to justify our lives and what we deem is right? Not to say that i know everything about everything when it comes to Islam, or Judaism, or Taoism, etc. So, I'll direct you to things I'm more knowledgeable about: Christianity and the Bible.

Now I know that in any argument one is destined to fail once they bring up the Bible but hey this is an argument about religion. In my opinion, the Bible is the most contradictory book of all time. Probably back in its very early stages it was less contradictory, but as we move on in time with more and more additons and newer editions we end up twisting things around. One major thing I realized while trying to explore what it is that I truly believe in, was that most Christians only look to the Bible for things that appeal to their benefit. One example, one BIG example: the book of Leviticus. Many Christians go to the book of Leviticus to justify why homosexuality is a sin. Constantly one would hear about how Leviticus 18:22 stating that a man lying with another man is an "abomination". However, no one even alludes to text earlier than that. Leviticus 11:9-12 states (just to paraphrase) it is also an "abomination" to consume anything from the sea that moves but does not have fins or scales. Betcha didn't know that now did you? So according to the Bible, if homosexuals are going to hell for sinning, people that eat shrimp, crab, lobster, squid, etc. are also going to hell for sinning as well. Travesty right? No more Red Lobster for you. Unless you only goin for the cheesy biscuits then that's probably different. There's many different rules just like this one that die hard Christians fail to instill in their life.

Malcolm X said something related to this topic in one of his speeches. He stated, "[to my black Christians] since the white man, your friend, took away your language during slavery, the only language you know is his language. So you call him the same thing he, your friend, calls him: God. And when he puts that rope around your neck you callin for God, he callin for God. And you wonder why the one you callin on never answers,". It's effin crazy the way we miss stuff like this.

So what's my point. My point is that I do not, yep DO NOT believe in any religion. Sure there's a higher power, whatever you may call him, but I think we as humans have effed up the works of the bible in the past two decades to find only some self-sufficient interest. If something happens I think I'll just say it's fate. But to my knowledge fate doesn't exist in any religion. I think the only time that there is a god is when he or she wants to look back at your life and cast judgment. Whether it be eternal damnation or salvation. So yes I do believe in the after-life too.

What I'm trying to say is, I'm the type of individual who lives life to the absolute fullest. I hope that wherever I go I just have fun just pure fun. Because I don't know about you, but life would surely suck otherwise.

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