Friday, June 25, 2010

New York Is Washed Up!

I was web surfing today and found this website:

I saw this poem and couldn't agree more, for more poems like this check out Eugene Woody on the website:

I want my New York back. This isn’t the city I know. where am I? this isn’t New York, NOPE! This is LAME. This city is filled with no talent, over dressed, snot noised, work hard for nothing pansy’s……I WANT MY CITY BACK! what happened to you New York? We used to be so cool. People would come from the world over to worship us. Now they just come to laugh at how ass we have become. Why the hell would Lebron James come here? We have become overpriced losers, not worth the price of admission. Just look at the knicks….LOSERS! Look around you. Dammit, you know this ain’t right. You know this ain’t poppin. THIS is not New York. When do we as new yorkers blast plies “Becky” from our systems and sub-woofers? When did we start dressing like gay skateboarders? When did we rock with mo-hawks and half shaved heads? Who the fu*k are we? This ain’t New York…I WANT MY CITY BACK. Keep these emo lames out the game. Keep these pretentious slut groupie chicks out the game. Keep um out my city. drive them back to where they came from…. CALIFORNIA! We set trends we don’t follow them. As soon as our rappers got washed up we became what we are…..LAME. men aren’t men any more, they have become……prince and the revolution, not even shalomare. I see women smacking men around….because they can! how can you be a man when your pants are tighter than your girlfriends? I hope she whoops your ass for wearing those pants. NOT in this city, NOPE! Get lost. Get gone. LOOK just get the fu*k out of here. Do you see what you look like when you leave the house? if you want to wear tight pants…do you! But why do we all have to suffer? Why do you have to sag tight pants? who is supposed to be attracted to that? What woman in her right mind likes a man that wears his ass hanging out of tight jeans? The extra sh*t streak, is that your “swag”? where are you going with this? i’m so confused. I WANT MY CITY BACK. Please come get these wack chicks and lock um up. Lace front wigs with the glue dripping off your forehead. booty shorts and your ass looks like a bag of nickels. Stomachs look like an old mike tyson punching bag. Rainbows wardrobe but you got an attitude? no grace, no class, 18 with 4 kids. no job, no goals, you are just a straight hoe, swear you know everything…..YOU DON’T KNOW SH*T. MUTHAPHUCKAS i WANT MY CITY BACK. We as new yorkers are gonna get back to what made us. Time to get back on our grind. Time we stop letting soldier boys, waca flockas, plies, lames get by and it’s time we let real talent shine. I’m leading the pack, spearheading the movement. Bringing you what we were before parents started smoking crack with their kids. I’m bringing sophistication back. Keeping my city cooler than the south, we don’t do that southern sh*t. Keeping my city cool, we don’t do that soft “emo” sh*t. NEW YORK is, was, and always will be the best. Since no one else will do it, i’ll put the S on my chest. Time to grown man the situation. Put generation lame in it’s place, why are we letting crack babies decide whats hot? Time for men to be men, and women to be women. I’m shutting this sh*t down now, no more time will be given. I WANT MY CITY BACK. You are either with me, or against me. You gonna get down or lay down, when i’m done i’ll make sure the ignorant stay down, way down. So come and get some culture cause…i’m changing the game NOW!

And with that, your life just got more Rated-R

I Saw A Pornstar and Blanked Out

The title says it all. Sure it was a male pornstar but, I guess its one of those prominent male pornstars and still still its a frikkin pornstar. Lmfao even now I'm still speechless haha. But umm I'll try my best to get up to speed with what just happened to me.

Umm, so I'm getting in the 1 train to head to my best friend's graduation. Now while I'm waiting for the people to get out of this train, the last person started looking strangely familiar. And when he looked me in the eye I finally remembered. In my head I screamed, "DUDE YOU'RE A PORNSTAR!" But alas I blanked out on the outside world.
I just went in the train silently laughing and I bet a few other guys in the train knew exactly who that was and stayed silent for their wives' sake. But what am I supposed to say to someone like that, "you're awesome and I've seen you naked, can I have your autograph" ...yeah how sus is that?

I can't even stop laughing as I write this like the 4 years I've taken this route to get to and from my old high school, this never happened, now all of a sudden it does. Hahaha this is strangely hilarious. Only in NYC man, I tell ya

Well, now I can say I've seen a pornstar in real life...can you?

With that, your life is DEFINITELY more Rated-R

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What's Your Excuse?

You say I'm immature
I treat life with nothing to lose
You can't stand the foolish games
I'm just being a mirror, what's your excuse?

My attitude is horrendous
I make you want to hang me with a noose
I have no respect for society as a whole
I'm just being a mirror, what's your excuse?

Sometimes my intensity scares you
Your in fear of abuse
There in your nightmares, I appear
I'm just being a mirror, what's your excuse?

My presence seems to annoy you,
You look like you tasted sour juice
My aura never agrees with you
I'm just a mirror, what's your excuse?

So when you wish to hate me
When you wish to judge my ways
Ask yourself why I do it
And I will simply tell you
I'm just being a mirror, what's your excuse?

Sounds Like Paper = Sounds Like Failure

New Yorkers, you guys already know the story. Rest of the world here goes. It's been a week (last Tuesday) since June 15th. Paper Magazine hosted a free kickoff concert by the South Street Seaport. This concert was to include Hanson, NinjaSonik, and their cover boy Drake. Now I say was because if you don't know already, this concert never got a chance to happen. Most people blame the crowd for why this concert was abruptly stopped. I blame a completely different group of individuals.

You see, I was present at that Drake concert. Like thousands of other Drake fans, I went prepared to start chanting out lyrics like I knew them all my life. The concert was to start at 6:00 PM but there was already a heavily packed audience when my friends and I reached to the Seaport at 4:00. And it is here where the problems start.

For those of you that did not attend said concert, imagine being under the hot sun for several hours, crammed next to thousands of other people, with nothing to do but wait. Yeah, it was that rough. And this is why I blame Paper Magazines for the horrible planning on their part.

The news wants people to believe that the show was cancelled due to the riotous activity that took place while waiting for the concert. Let me just say that this riotous activity only started due to the boredom of 25,000 fans waiting for at least some sort of music. They kept shorting out Hanson's mics, and when NinjaSonik seemed like the perfect way to end the boredom they cut their mics off as well. So what else do you expect teenagers crammed next to each other in the hot sun to do? Sing kumbaya?

And I've repeatedly read comments stating that African Americans were the main rioters in the crowd, the main ones throwing bottles and even catching a black girl throwing a chair down below. The people who STARTED hopping on top the kiosks and throwing water bottles, slushie cups, and the like were white and spanish. Most of the black people I saw there were more concerned about getting to the front of the crowd. Black people only got involved when things started landing on them. So stop placing blame on us, please and thank you.

Nonetheless, none of this would have happened if there were more security at hand and they continued the music...that's all we wanted. Standing 3-5 hours in the burning sun crammed into thousands of people with nothing to do, would piss off anyone. They should have kept the DJ playing beats to keep us entertained, end of story. Who the hell would want to undergo that torture, that's complete bullshit.

Am I upset, that Drake didn't get to come out on stage? Damn right. Did I forsee craziness at this concert? Damn right. But what really pissed people off was that Paper Magazine didn't even have the balls to come out and tell us the show is cancelled. They just let as assume it was over. They at least owe that to us and not let us stand around hoping for a miracle.

Oh well, Paper Mag, you failed epicly. I'm sorry. The way you carried out this concert was destined to come out the way it did. I saw no security, you underestimated the crowd, and you couldn't even keep us entertained. Two thumbs down. And no matter who you promote next, you've lost the trust in thousands of New Yorkers.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

My Religion

You may not agree with my beliefs. You may differ in religion. Matter of fact if you have a religion we differ in religion. Not to say I'm atheist. That's something comepletely different. I just do not believe in any organzed religion. I think it's called being a theist. Yes there is a difference no just because i put a space between the "a" and the "t". But enough on the specifics I'll just tell you why.

For you see, most of my life I was told what to believe in because I was forced to attend mass with my mother. I know some of you were like me, going to church and not understanding why. Being in Sunday school asking yourself "why in blue hell am I here?" Honestly human beings have spent plenty of years battling over the better religion. Whether it be The Crusades, Muslims against the Jewish, or even Christians against themselves. In actuality, most, if not all, religions believe in a higher power being the highest of them all. Whether it be God or Allah or whomever, it is someone they use as a guideline to their life. But can't we also use morals and common sense to justify our lives and what we deem is right? Not to say that i know everything about everything when it comes to Islam, or Judaism, or Taoism, etc. So, I'll direct you to things I'm more knowledgeable about: Christianity and the Bible.

Now I know that in any argument one is destined to fail once they bring up the Bible but hey this is an argument about religion. In my opinion, the Bible is the most contradictory book of all time. Probably back in its very early stages it was less contradictory, but as we move on in time with more and more additons and newer editions we end up twisting things around. One major thing I realized while trying to explore what it is that I truly believe in, was that most Christians only look to the Bible for things that appeal to their benefit. One example, one BIG example: the book of Leviticus. Many Christians go to the book of Leviticus to justify why homosexuality is a sin. Constantly one would hear about how Leviticus 18:22 stating that a man lying with another man is an "abomination". However, no one even alludes to text earlier than that. Leviticus 11:9-12 states (just to paraphrase) it is also an "abomination" to consume anything from the sea that moves but does not have fins or scales. Betcha didn't know that now did you? So according to the Bible, if homosexuals are going to hell for sinning, people that eat shrimp, crab, lobster, squid, etc. are also going to hell for sinning as well. Travesty right? No more Red Lobster for you. Unless you only goin for the cheesy biscuits then that's probably different. There's many different rules just like this one that die hard Christians fail to instill in their life.

Malcolm X said something related to this topic in one of his speeches. He stated, "[to my black Christians] since the white man, your friend, took away your language during slavery, the only language you know is his language. So you call him the same thing he, your friend, calls him: God. And when he puts that rope around your neck you callin for God, he callin for God. And you wonder why the one you callin on never answers,". It's effin crazy the way we miss stuff like this.

So what's my point. My point is that I do not, yep DO NOT believe in any religion. Sure there's a higher power, whatever you may call him, but I think we as humans have effed up the works of the bible in the past two decades to find only some self-sufficient interest. If something happens I think I'll just say it's fate. But to my knowledge fate doesn't exist in any religion. I think the only time that there is a god is when he or she wants to look back at your life and cast judgment. Whether it be eternal damnation or salvation. So yes I do believe in the after-life too.

What I'm trying to say is, I'm the type of individual who lives life to the absolute fullest. I hope that wherever I go I just have fun just pure fun. Because I don't know about you, but life would surely suck otherwise.