Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Bitchassness in Numbers

Strength in numbers is definitely true. Its true for militaries, gangs and the like. Evidently running your mouth while in a group is a growing epidemic in the United States. Whether its in the bus, out on the street, at parties, wherever...people have this growing addiction to talk shit in a group and not by they damn selves.

Now I've noticed it for a while now. Its the proverbial, "Hold me back!!! Hold me back!!!" It's a shame. My opinion is don't talk trash if you can't do it without back up. That is a very bitch ass move. I put money a quarter of my readers just had an epiphany about themselves. Sorry, its just what I do.

Take yourself out of those circle of friends and settle shit one-on-one. And if they can't do that then that just shows who is pussy and who isn't. Plain and simple. Fact is, most people will have more respect for someone who mans up and ends shit by himself than someone who runs in with backup and has some lame ass cosigning any comment.

Is that how you want to live your life? Honestly and truthfully, most people don't have an ounce of respect for people that can't be as "gully" by themselves. Its like trashing someone behind impenetrable wall...(Check out the big word there!!!). One of my friends always says "You poppin off with all that mouth next to ya groupies but you damn sure can't do it with no one around you."

Nine times out of 10 the one by himself against the "ravenous" wolfpack will get the most respect, bar none. Its a common fact. Not only does it show independence, but it shows courage, even bravery. I know this seems like a case of "Well no shit Sherlock"... Well you'd be surprised to the amount of people that act like they don't know this...it's crazy. Look at it this way; when you talk shit do you do it to get a reaction out of the person or out of your posse? If you do it to get the reaction out of the person then why do you need a posse to talk shit. You're the main focus right? So act like it.

I'm not sayin that there can't be one tough guy in a group of people, I'm just sayin you don't need other people to hear you degrade somebody else. That's why people say "you got so much fuckin mouth, why don't you just say it without all ya bitches behind you?" Because in reality that's what you look like. A loudspeaker with little bitches backing you up. Be yourself, no one's gonna be you for you. Handle your own business. NO BITCHASSNESS!!!

And your life just got that more Rated-R

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