Tuesday, July 28, 2009


There are people in this world that leave lasting impressions on others. Some, because of their wealth. Others look up to certain people because of their power. But I'm here to tell you I look up to some people because of their character. The way they carry themselves I guess. Some aspect of their daily lives I've grown to admire, even respect. I'm here, not to exploit perfection in anyway (we're all human), but to tell these people thank you.

The first person, actually taught me how to play steel pan...well strengthened my skills at the very early stages anyway. And if you know me, pan takes up a chunk of my life right now. But that's not the impact I really admire. His impact on me is the way he thinks. He's been playing pan before I even knew what a pan was. Is he arrogant? No. Does he have a fuck the world, I'm the greatest alive attitude because of it? Nope. He reasons out a situation until it can't be reasoned out anymore. Even thought he always tries to get at me for "stealing his name." He's an assertive person by nature and everyone I know comes to him like a big brother. His wisdom is what I look up to and for that, I thank him.

This next person, is not only an inspiration to myself but also leaves a lasting impact on an entire band. For the brief time I've known her, she's treated me with the utmost respect and I respect her for that. But what impact she left with me is her conversational skills. Had you have known me a few years ago, you would know either I always ended a conversation passively giving up, or that I always end aggressively. But just hanging out with her has made me understand how to talk to people especially when they don't see eye-to-eye with me. Rather than just saying "Yo fuck everything you stand for" I can reason my way out of conflicts. She makes attempts to make sure that everyone she cares about has at least one smile on their face for the day. Its her interaction with others that leaves an impact on me and for that I thank her.

The third person is just an all around nice person. He's another person who could be one arrogant motherfucker due to the fact that several girls like him, but instead he's just very chill. Sure he's a clown at times but his overall swagger is just fucking awesome. I guess what I'm trying to say is that he could be the common stereotypical Brooklynite and be a conceited SOB but instead he's just...him. I also consider him a big brother only because he always manages to just live life ho he sees fit regardless of the drama surrounding him. If anything his impact on me would have to be his maturity.

Fourth, this person.....actually at a spectator's glance one would wonder why in blue hell this person is on the list. But honestly, he's helped me grow. If you see a dude that's just loud as hell at times, immature, and sometimes a bit too hyper, you'd wonder WTF? I don't. Its just the fact that he could careless about the griefs around him (well most of the time) is enough to be admired. His impact on me will forever be the fact that if I have a problem I can easily come to him and he'll still try to cheer me up regardless of the situation and most of the time it actually works. I in turn make sure that he's ok whenever I just feel a bad vibe. Ok yes, he's like a brother to me too (I know I have more brothers than a damn fraternity). You can look for the weirdest ways to find an inspiration.

So with so many impacts these people left on me I'm surprised I didn't thank them earlier. I actually really meant to do this way earlier but better now than never. So I thank you Big Marc, I thank you Kiera, I thank you Ryan, and I thank you James. You've helped me transformed myself into a better person...well in the process of it anyway. =p

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


You're cheery in my face
Giddy when you get your way
Your innocence makes people desire to inquire more
The way you giggle at everything makes everyone think
You're just a safe face, no issues
But then you start shifting
The animosity, not directed towards others
But directed towards me
Others' reasons have underlying good
Your reason...underlying selfishness
Your selfishness will be your tragic downfall
Like that of the mighty Oedipus Rex
And instead of standing ground by yourself
The honorable thing to do
You decide to drag others into your web of mayhem and panic
Your selfish nature is nothing to admire
And pretty soon it will no longer underly, it will be revealed
Believe me when I say
I've lost almost, if not, all respect I had for you
I really should've took notice the first time
You never had real respect for me
I just made your life easier
You used me...you want to continue using me
That's the reason isn't it
Yeah thought so
Sure your mouth'll say no
But your soul can't lie
So now you've turned into the same that we used to comment on
Only, it suits you better
No respect for me = no respect for you

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Last Legend

Michael Jackson. That's all that needs to be said. R.I.P. to the great one.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

As We Go On......

High School for Law and Public Service Class of '09 we did it man. Four years went by already like that. The last day didn't feel like a last day at all. But the time has passed, we are no longer Trojans, no longer Student Government, no longer the students that go to G-Dubz.

As we go to our respective roles in the future I just want to tell each and every one of you, good luck, God Bless you, I'll miss you and we've been through too much to stop carin now. Now we're in the real world. Now's the moment where all our teachers we're lecturing us about. The training wheels are off. We are all into the real world.

I shared laughs with you all. I shared tears with some of you. Man, we were on our grind. People who no one actually believed would be in a cap and gown on this day, were strollin right across that stage proud and accomplished.

We shared hard times, we shared fun times. To the people who were with me since day one: Angelina, Abuathar, Yahaira, Johnny, Rosemary, Jaravis, Jeanette, Joshua, and others as well as the people I met down the line of our days: Steven Disla, Steven Diaz, Flava, Yoceloff, Rossyovi, Carlisa, Willington and many others...Congratulations!!! We fuckin did it!!! We are HSLPS Graduates, free of everything we dreaded these past four years but free of the wonderful times of the hallways. I'll miss you guys from the bottom of my heart.