Friday, March 13, 2009

The Umbrella Must Be Broken

Now Chris Brown aint my favorite R&B singer. Quite frankly, I think he sucks ass and I thought so ever since like 2006. But if I ever have to side with anyone in this whole Chris Brown v. Rihanna ordeal I would have to go with Brown.

Rihanna isn't my cup of tea either but that's not why I don't side with her. She was in fact my favorite female singer especially being from the Caribbean like I am also. But when she decided to "GO BAD" (insert sarcastic scary face here) and unleash the wrath of Umbrella on the world, I gave up. Wasn't a Resident Evil movie made in an Umbrella factory? That should say something

But I'm shifting off topic... So anyway, Rihanna. As most people probably know, she got her ASS BEAT.....BAAAAD!!! Chris put a whole new meaning to the phrase Whoop that Trick. But the real reason I don't side with Rihanna is because she GOES BACK to him. Now I don't care what the fuck is the reason. Either she been hangin out with too much goody too shoes American folk, or she in a constant high. This child obviously aint see Waiting to Exhale because Lord knows he would've gotten his ass beat to high heavens if she did. And she Caribbean too?? Aww hell to the nah.

Either Brown need a ass whoopin or Rihanna need to get beat with a Umbrella by her father. Smh... oh well, lets see what happens next.

...and your life just got that much more Rated-R.

1 comment:

  1. SMH..I don't agree with either of them. I don't understand femmes like that. AFTER the dude beats the shxt outta you, you go back to him? He father let it happen too? Plz my pops woulda done killed Chrissy...SMh
