Thursday, March 26, 2009

Memories Last A Lifetime

The saying "Live everyday like it's your last." is DEFINITELY a statement that is true. It is crucial to live every single day like its your last.

If you want to do something ---sensible that is---think about it and do it. Regrets are nothing more than fate's way of saying I told you so. So unless you want to feel like Fate's dumbass all the rest of your life, then I suggest you stop worrying and have fun. No one knows what's going to happen tomorrow, or the day after (though people act as if they do), so by regretting we only make matters worse.

All the planning in the world can't stop daily inevitable occurances. Take the latest episode of "The Real World: Brooklyn" for example. No one expected Ryan to get that call to go back to Iraq and his whole future flipped a 180. So his castmates decided to treat him to a trip to Atlantic City. Something he, (God forbid) may never get another chance to experience.

We can't live forever...that's a given. Why should we wait for forever to do something we always wanted to do? Some people may say that my method of living is reckless and will eventually destroy the Earth. Let me put it this way, the planet will be around a WHOLE lot longer than we will so why not enjoy our time here? Its not like I'm promoting blowing up a country or anything, all I'm saying is that if you want to have fun, then have fun.

Katt Williams, my favorite comedian, once said all you need is to get "that 'Fuck It' in your system and everything will be cool." Think about it. It makes perfect sense. Sometimes all you need to say in certain dilemmas is...fuck it. Just do you, live for your benefit because no one else will do it for you.

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Umbrella Must Be Broken

Now Chris Brown aint my favorite R&B singer. Quite frankly, I think he sucks ass and I thought so ever since like 2006. But if I ever have to side with anyone in this whole Chris Brown v. Rihanna ordeal I would have to go with Brown.

Rihanna isn't my cup of tea either but that's not why I don't side with her. She was in fact my favorite female singer especially being from the Caribbean like I am also. But when she decided to "GO BAD" (insert sarcastic scary face here) and unleash the wrath of Umbrella on the world, I gave up. Wasn't a Resident Evil movie made in an Umbrella factory? That should say something

But I'm shifting off topic... So anyway, Rihanna. As most people probably know, she got her ASS BEAT.....BAAAAD!!! Chris put a whole new meaning to the phrase Whoop that Trick. But the real reason I don't side with Rihanna is because she GOES BACK to him. Now I don't care what the fuck is the reason. Either she been hangin out with too much goody too shoes American folk, or she in a constant high. This child obviously aint see Waiting to Exhale because Lord knows he would've gotten his ass beat to high heavens if she did. And she Caribbean too?? Aww hell to the nah.

Either Brown need a ass whoopin or Rihanna need to get beat with a Umbrella by her father. Smh... oh well, lets see what happens next.

...and your life just got that much more Rated-R.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Guy in the Glass

This poem has changed my life to the better, I swear. I'll let you interpret it to your heart's desire

When you get what you want in your struggle for [wealth],
And the world makes you king for a day,
Then go to a mirror and look at yourself,
And see what that guy has to say.

For it isnt your father, or mother, or wiife,
Who's judgement upon you must pass.
The feller whose verdict counts most in your life,
Is the guy staring back from the glass.

He's the feller to please, never mind all the rest;
For he's clear with you up to the end.
And you've passed your most dangerous difficult test,
If the guy in the glass is your friend.

You may be like Jack Horner and chisel a plum
And think you're a wonderful guy.
But the guy in the glass says you're only a bum,
If you can't look him straight in the eye.

You can fool the whole world down the pathway of years,
And get pats on the back as you pass.
But your final reward will be heartaches and tears
If you've cheated the guy in the glass.

-The Guy in the Glass by Dale Wimbrow

Friday, March 6, 2009

College Applications

This is the first installment in this blog and as you may have guessed through the title...I'm in high school. And I as well as my friends are suffering through the backlash of college applications.


Take my buddy A. for example, A. applied to Columbia U. and he finished like near December. He got a reply now stating that they're missing like Teacher's Recommendations n what not and they need this by Monday


And the whole process is nothing but stress ugh, but whatever,...

Up to now I'm having the same damn problems, I've decided to stay in NYC and apply to only CUNY schools. This damn website gonna tell me I'm missing the application fee. Like I know I didn't pay $65 to say that y'all lost it. I aint on no Donald Trump status, I can't throw away $65 like its tissue paper.

I guess since all this crap is over for me, I should help those who have to unfortunately suffer this next year. My best advice is to get through all of this shit ASAP. When they start pulling the "I'm missing this" shit, have that already prepared. So you won't have to freak out about it I guess.

Do colleges really just want to stress us out, or is there a method to their madness?

...This is Uncensored Reality making your life just that much Rated-R

This Aint the Run of the Mill Blog

This is nothing more than an introduction to kick off my madness I guess.

Who am I?
I'm just like you only more like me. I figure if everyone can write about their life, why can't I?

I'm a New Yorker, Brooklynite to be more exact, and this is my life. I call it Rated-R because I wont hold back, if youre a fucking asshole piece of shit ass munching conkbag then thats exactly what I'm going to call you. Censorship is the only thing censored on this blog

I wont tell you who I am I'll let you figure that out for yourself thru these writings.

So without further adu..., go ahead step into my reality