Monday, May 31, 2010

First Tattoo

Whatever anyone tells you don't really believe them. In certain cases me too. In my opinion, people feel pain in entirely different ways. That being said, I'll tell you about my first tattoo experience.

Before any questions arise, I'll answer the question on most freshbloods minds. The answer is YES!!! That damn thing definitely hurt. But trust me, after you put that money down for the tat, you're gonna make sure that the tattoo comes out as perfect as possible. To me, it felt like getting a shot at the doctor's office...just imagine
that shot being dragged across your skin. Now I didn't cry or anything, maybe just groaned alot at first. I definitely got "Oderint Dum Metuant" which was Caligula's as well as my favorite saying. It translates to let them hate so long as they fear. Which is what I love to live by. People can talk all the shit they want, so long as they
know they don't want a fight with you. The process of the tattoo story actually starts back at school.

So as a joke, I mentioned to my friend from school, Maunda, that "yo we have way too much time. We should def go out and get our tattoos. She instantly jumped onto the bandwagon encouraging me to get the tattoo. So fast forward to the parlor. My nerves just double or even triple my heartbeat. I think the hardest part of the whole experience was having to hand them the money and sign the contract. And being money hungry like I am (lol don't judge me) I hate having to give away large amounts of money.

Second hardest part of the experience? The moments before. I think they purposefully try to psyche you out. The place I went to in the Village was playin some kinda satanic music and me and Maunda just looked at each other like "what...the...fuck?" And it was like a 30 minute wait period. So imagine song after song of just what hell would sound like lol.

The least strenuous part was actually getting the tattoo. Like I said, yes...that motherfucker HURT! But I guess it was because the guy twisted my arm around until he was writing on my bone. Like i said to try to give you an imagination of what it felt like, imagine a doctor's shot. But after a while it did kinda started to feel good. Crazy right? Now I see why people get addicted to it.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is...the whole process is an experience that you can't anticipate if you're getting a tattoo for the first time. Some will say oh it doesn't hurt. Some will exaggerate the pain. I won't undermine the pain but it's nothing to shed a tear over either. And also make sure what you're getting is worth any sort of pain over. Because it is permanent. It's not like any piercing where the meaning is straightforward, you're literally getting art on
your body so don't get a fad just because it's cool. And your giving away a significant amount of money for it as well. Make sure you get your money's worth.