Sunday, March 14, 2010

Safety...or the Lack Thereof

A sad,sad event has occurred in the halls of ol' G-Dubs. I'm surprised, shocked, disgusted, and worried all at once. I don't blame anyone's parents. I don't blame any teachers. Honestly I place blame almost solely on the damn NYC high school security system. Sure, I admire some of them. I've shared good laughs with some as well. But to let something like this shit slide by is a wake-up call to so many people.

In case you don't know what the hell I'm talking about (Which let's face it, most of you don't have a clue), a local student at the High School for Media and Communications managed to sneak in a steak knife into the George Washington Educational Campus. Said student, at around 11:00 --my guess is right after 4th period, being that 4th period ends at 11:04-- stabs another student 16 times in the back and arm in the school's dean's office. The victim is said to be in stable condition and the attacker was arrested and taken to the 34th precinct.

Now I don't really give a flying fuck about the backdrop story behind the stabbing. Quite frankly, my concern for high school drama died when I graduated last year. My first and main question thinking about this incident is HOW THE FUCK DID A KNIFE GET THROUGH SCANNING!?!? The security guards are so concerned with finding an "electronical device" but aren't concerned with the actual shit they're supposed to be looking out for. Its extremely sad to see that security guards are more concerned with looking out for cellphones and iPods than they are for knives, guns, and stuff that can actually hurt people. And look what happens because of this.

Another thing is, this will probably be another incident gone unreported when Bloomberg states that school violence is "severely declining". Who the fuck does he think he's fooling with this crap? Not only has fights and things of that nature remain the same, but let's face it, as the years go by, a lot of us lose hope when we see the stupidity that goes on with underclassmen in high schools. But back to my main point, Bloomberg won't even acknowledge this, yet so many oblivious jackasses will support him not knowing whats going on right under their noses.

Now like I said I don't wish to know why the kid stabbed the other guy. But I'll have to say, never in the years I've been at George Washington have I ever heard of anything as outrageous as what happened in Media. Its a shame. But like I said security needs to be taken more seriously. There is a reason why most of the students hate the damn security guards in the morning. What harm will a damn juice do if we bring it in school? So what if we just so happen to forget a blasted cellphone? Who gives a shit if we need music from our iPods in the morning just to stay up? Security guards need to stop carrying an eagle eye when it comes to the light stuff and start remembering what they're actually supposed to be looking for.

So maybe the security guards will be more on their toes, looking for every little thing now. Maybe they'll stop goofing around and take their jobs more seriously for the time being. But what the hell are you supposed to say to the boy who got stabbed 16 times? "Oops I'm sorry"? I don't think there'll be a long term change. Bloomberg will continue to live in his little bubble where NYC high schools are doing better and better and better, while EVERYBODY knows that high schools are just getting worse and worse. Nice job Bloomberg, way to fuck up the New York City high schools. Four more years of continued stupidity and madness. And you wonder why the teachers always want to go on strike, hmph. ...Dumbass

And with that your life just got that more Rated-R

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