Sunday, October 11, 2009

Total Takeover for the 9th Time

Wow its really been a while. I'll try to have updates regularly but, college is kind of preventing that. But anyway the following is more for my people in the world of Steel Pan.

PAN SONATAS WIN!!! Oh my god! There are still days I feel like that was just a super poppin dream and that didn't even happen. But it really did. We really fuckin won panorama! So many people tried to get our heads out of the game. We had our ups, we had our downs. In the end, we did what we been saying all summer "We came to take the [fuckin] 'rama!" I'm not gonna use this opportunity to trash any other band but damn we really did work hard.

Nine time champions. Woooo! That is crazy. "How we won?" Some ask. Its because come gametime Sonatas ALWAYS delivers. We transform from pan players into 100 savage gladiators hungry for another glorious victory. Its our instinct, we know we are performers and we exploit it. No questions asked. We perform, and perform, and give 800% of our energy into that 10 minutes we have on stage. Don't get me wrong, ADLIB definitely gave us a run for our money. Without a shadow of a doubt, ADLIB definitely gave it their all to defend that title. But I guess we just showed the judges we wanted it more.

In 2010 fellow Bandoleros, we need to show these civilian spectators that this is the start of yet another takeover in pan, the upcoming decade needs to be painted black and gold because if they thought that this was the end of the Sonatas victories, they're dead wrong. DEAD WRONG. In fact we may even see an era of greatness in the hands of Sonatas. The next decade will be the decade of Sonatas, and you can willingly accept it, or go down in a blaze of glory. Remember ladies and gents, "This is the band that [ALWAYS WILL] take the rama!!!"

So no matter what happens my fellow Sonatas players, can always say I won a panorama.